Affordable Care Act Compliance
The RISE HR/Payroll Division is headed by PBIPayroll, who helps clients easily and affordably navigate the complexities of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), avoid penalties and mistakes, and confident decisions.
The RISE HR/Payroll Division is headed by PBIPayroll, who helps clients easily and affordably navigate the complexities of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), avoid penalties and mistakes, and confident decisions.
Many employers have been daunted by the new stack of regulations they faced when ACA became law. Failing to accurately calculate full-time employees or complete the proper paperwork can result in hefty fines and penalties that quickly add up. Our ACA Comply system, part of our web-based solution, is the natural choice to stay ACA-compliant. Integrated right into your payroll system, the program offers dashboards and reporting features that enable you to easily and affordably meet the ACA requirements.
Beginning in 2016, the ACA required that employers with 50 or more full-time employees, or their equivalents, must report on health insurance coverage offered to employees. Under Section 6056, employers must report on this information using IRS Forms 1094-C and 1095-C. The forms detail information about health coverage offerings and enrollment in health coverage for employees and their dependents. These requirements include the provision and submission of forms detailing whether coverage was offered and utilized by individual employees.
These days, uncertainty about the future is the name of the game. As a business owner, you can take comfort in knowing that your team of professionals will be on top of all changes to health care laws and the compliance requirements for businesses large and small.
Our system offers the functionality needed to document all ACA compliance, minimize tax liability, avoid potential penalties, and comply with reporting requirements:
For regulatory, compliance, and liability purposes, RISE clients work directly with PBI and are billed separately from their other RISE programs for their Payroll/HCM/HR services. You will have a dedicated point of contact at PBI for these areas, although your RISE Account Manager always remains abreast of all your programs within the RISE family of services.